
1. Preparatory activities of the project

Setting the project team. At the beginning of the project there will be a meeting with the whole team and representatives from partners and actions will be planned in the project, in line with the schedule of activities and the involvement of each partner.

Selection of beneficiaries will be made in the first month of the project and also monthly with the completion of the procedure for granting a form of protection or with the submission of new applications for asylum.

2. Developing a program of assistance and provision of social services, adapted and based on an assessment of the needs of beneficiaries and services insufficiently covered.

– Advisory services and social and psychosocial assistance.

– Educational support services for children having a form of protection and for the asylum seekers.

Remedial and educational school activities provide increased access to education for children and young asylum beneficiaries. These services have the purpose of preventing early school leaving and improving the educational attainment of children.

Non-formal and extracurricular education activities contribute to the children’s development and revaluation of their skills, increase the awareness of culture, and promote the cultural diversity.
– Services designed to increase access to employment for the beneficiaries who are able to work
– Develop entrepreneurial skills to increase the chances of initiating micro business.
– Establishing a network of companies for the development of job shadowing activities for the persons in the target group.
– Contacting a private recruitment and labor market placement Agency for the persons in the target group, aimed to ensure the identification of vacancies and mediating the link with employers.
3. Information and training the staff of public institutions working with people in the target group.
4. Integration activities through art, preservation of cultural identity and connection to the communities of origin in Romania.
5. Actions of promotion and dissemination of project results.
6. Exchange of good practices and exchange of experience
7. Organizational development activities.